Thursday, February 4, 2010

Barrel Cactus

I have been talking
to my Barrel cactus
for the last few days.

It reminds me of you,
an enchanting flower
protected by sharp spines.

It does not talk.

We do not touch.

I watch it grow
but it does not change.
I give it water it does not need.

I feel nostalgic.
I have been talking to my cactus
for a long time now.


  1. are you going to post the second part to this? i rather liked it.
    also, i didn't subscribe because i don't have a google account, but i bookmarked the page. =) i'd like to read some new writing as well.


  2. Really? I think I like the shorter version. I may post the second half, since you mentioned it. Thanks for bookmarking the page!


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