Thursday, February 24, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

did you?

now tell me yr teeth dreams
tell me why i dream sad dreams

is it because
i miss you
while i sleep?

tell me,
what do you see
when you look at me?

am i lucid
a clear-cut mystery?
i see
right through myself
do you?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can't help it.

i can't help but think
we are reaping the harvest
of our pruned limbs,
months of freezing skin,
now, with the changing seasons
we thaw and tangle together,
and yesterday, in the park,
i repeated to you
the line in the book
about the ebb and the flow,
how each painful cut into the heart
opens hollow space
to hold more joy

i have never understood life
as much as i do right now

Friday, February 11, 2011

fever dreams (let me in)

tell me all yr fever dreams
tell me anything
I like to listen when you
watch the shifting of
yr teeth

give me yr smile
i'd like to stay awhile
soak in
the smell of yr shirt
call in sick from work
lurk, let me creep

lie awhile
let me curl in
yr body yr skin
let me curl in
yr hot fever dreams

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Favorite Things

My favorite things,
lungs half filled with smoke,
windows down,
heat turned high,
the flexing muscles in your legs
as you tip-toe across the kitchen,
feelings of anticipation
for next time, the ticking of the clock
late mornings,
favorite things, touching,
the hair all over my body,
the hair all over your body,
that story i tell
over and over
of when I jumped off the balcony,
the memories
of magazine ink and coffee,
dotting i's and crossing t's,
tracing the map of scars on my belly
firsts, seconds,
beginnings and ends
the magic that surrounds us
the mystery