Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bird Watching

I’ve been watching birds-
counting Cardinals,
thinking of Harold while humming the
Eastern Towhee’s red-eye flight call.

Today I heard the crow’s song,
different than before, it sounded like you
singing in harmony with me-
a haunting siren’s song of
fledgling trickery.

Why did you fly back to me
when I am so happy?

Saturday, April 11, 2020

April 10th

It’s day twenty-two.
Your knees are dried bloody and you let her see.

Your mother knows your secrets now
and she saw you, didn’t she?

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 8th

April 8th and the day sounds lucky but
it’s not.
John Prine went home and we
received rotten cabbage in our rations.

We couldn’t save a single fruit.
We missed the pink moon
and we used all our string to sew
the wounds on our backs back together.

You’ve been keeping count
and I hadn’t thought about it until just now-
when I slow down, when my one-liners run out,
what will you make of me?

April 8th sounds like a lucky day but
              it’s not.
When my roots turn to rot 
will you send me home?

Monday, April 6, 2020

If Pain is a Lesson, What do I make of this Mastery?

The other night you told me how you
learned about suffering
when you studied hot yoga
in Mexico one summer.

We smoked cigarettes (mine menthol, yours red)
 and I said
you’ve lived so many lives and
you said
you have too.

I thought about Watson, Illinois.
All the small spaces
where I learned about suffering
in so many places and in
so many lives.

Have I died so many times?
I just don’t learn my lessons.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

April 2nd, 2020

April 2nd, 2020

Two weeks in quarantine and everything is a dance now.
We waltz across the wooden floors toward the open window,
careful to appreciate the passing pastel pink
and lavender paintings performed each sunset.
We do not believe in god but we believe in something.

Sometimes I don’t understand irony. (Thanks Alanis.)
      I wonder if it is this-
I was cut to the raw root, pruned
and potted again and against all odds,
I’ve taken bloom. My scalp is healthy.

The other plants pass disease.
The rest of the world is dying or crumbling
like the Twin Towers or Kinetic Sand Castles.
I am a rose under a vase like in Beauty and the Beast.
Safe in my own glass castle growing green.

Is this a fever dream?
Is this the hook, line and sinker?
I get to taste true love like bait
before we are gutted and filleted
on ice skating rinks to keep us cool.

Oh well,
I don’t care.
The joke is funny and I’m busy