Thursday, April 4, 2013


you've told me
that i don't know what irony is
but i listened
when you said
i love you

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


i've met people who've loved me and showed it,
i've unraveled the seams of all the gloves they've sewn for me
as i've wandered aimlessly in the cold looking for the one i've lost

i am the stray cat of my lovers past,
i come hungry and crying and i leave late in the night,
all the deer mice i kill i keep to myself

i come with the intentions of an exclamation mark
i tell my stories with a comma, i go on, and on, and on,
and leave with a question mark

i've drunk the blood of women who've cut theirs wrists for me,
made homes in shoulders i've flooded with tears,
i've chained my lovers to my diving bell from time to time

i have loved
in every language
my body knows

my vocabulary is limited
to islands and sloppy variances
of you