Monday, April 9, 2018

i think of you

Will your pick up truck make it up the east coast
if you still have that army green rucksack we can
walk into the woods 
pocket all the yellow leaves
pretend like nothing’s changing

i think of you before I feel proud of myself
any time i’ve made something beautiful 
i think of you when i sit cross-legged on the kitchen floor 
when I hang a picture frame or kill another houseplant 
i think of you

i’d be lying if i said i don’t know
why we fought over that blue speckled bowl 
it was a memory i couldn’t let go
i think of you when i watch people leave their homes

i dreamt we made love and we knew what we were doing
i’m always wondering if we knew what we were doing
we walked through a tornado and i lost myself 
i keep your teeth in a jar on the bottom shelf

when i see 
butterflies pinned behind glass
bits of my own handwriting
a room filled with mirrors
i wonder do you think of me

let’s take your pick up for a long ride
if it can make it 
we can drive
like we know where we are going 
pretend like nothing’s changing