Monday, November 28, 2011

Feed Us

we buy our collard greens on credit cards
generation deargodpleasehelpus
our beams of light have been dimmed
we can not afford them

our visions are now tunneled
through aluminum tabs of dollar ninety five cent
twenty four ounce cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon

we are fat on American apple pie
thanksgiving leftovers hoarded
in crevices and energy efficient deep freezers

we are drunk on vocabulary meant to oppress us
repeating dreams, dreams, dreams
repeating our dreams to homeless high sad souls on the street

we ask for seconds, our portions, American
our pockets, Indonesian

we buy in bulk
we buy organic
our paper bags are partly recycled materials

masses of young fat
stoned and complaining
we are angry
please Internetgod, Mediagod,
feed us.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

with cats or dogs

we all have our definitions,
pronunciations, alliterations,
of perfection

what mine essentially boils down to,
when you black out faces in photographs,
is alone, alone, alone.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

i do not need you to hold me tonight, mi masoquista

las chicas locas, cómo las amaba

ellas no me quieren

the white balloons underneath your skin,
the smell of your armpit i once resented

treat me badly

voy a dormir a tu lado, pero no te amo

fear me

i distrust you
broken needle

no puedes darme lo que necesito

Friday, November 4, 2011

the survival of the fittest

although we both knew
they beat the elephants

we still went to the circus