Friday, April 23, 2010


Isn't it funny
that after I left you,
the thing that hurt the most
was reading the recipes
of the nine best Mojitos

I wanted to share them with you
invite you for a drink
knowing it is wrong
and we can't

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Under the Mat (work in progress)

You dropped off the key while I was away
You were drinking and I was learning
the effects of drinking
Today I left
the key under the mat

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Correctional Facility

My backyard is a woman's
correctional facility,
a stepping stone
from prison to freedom

In the summer
I smoke on my third story balcony
I watch the women
over the green fences

Until yesterday
I never caught more
than braiding hair
and muffled conversation

But now
I have heard two women
yell across the fences
"I love you"

I knew it wasn't just a friendly love
or a family love
there was passion in the yelling
"I will be there waiting for you"

What crimes of passion
we all commit

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


My friends and I took part in this anti-war and occupations protest in Chicago on March 19, 2010.

Look for us around 3:30. I'm flipping the peace sign.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Poem like Searching- A Poetic Manifesto

Uncle Bob's crazy wife Laura,
a recovering drunk,
is stupid and says the word nigger
knows all about poetry
knows nothin'
not a damn thing

Lady pukes a heaping two cups
brown steaming dog vomit
on green shag carpet
treasure like a found poem
on Mom's living room floor

Laura knows all about poetry
on her knees
searching through the vomit
with bare hands
huntin' for white worms
huntin' to make something out of nothin'

Fingering what looks like refried beans
trying to find meaning
she doesn't wear gloves
says it's what you've gotta do
Laura knows all about poetry searching
she doesn't know a damn thing

Laura, relapsing alcoholic,
proud with brown hands
scooping vomit in the waste can
She does a thorough job
there aren't always white worms,
She'll make sure to find 'em

Next time that goddamn dog gets sick, you save it for me, Lindsey

Laura knows all about poetry, no nothin', not a damn thing.

Monday, April 5, 2010


We had no luck this week
with the scratch off lottery

You took me home
drove without the headlights on
stared at your phone

We rode with the radio on
volume up